Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mel Gibson drops the A-Bomb on live TV

Mel Gibson rocks! If you did not have a reason to like him yet, even if all the great movies he has starred in or produced, you will love him after watching this video.

The interviewer speaks with Mel Gibson via satellite, Mel Gibson thinks he is there to promote his new movie, "Edge of Darkness" but the reporter starts asking Mel questions regarding his past behavior. At the end of the video Mel thinks he is off camera, takes a sip of his Starbucks coffee and then calls the reporter an ***hole. Haha it does not get any better than that! I think the reporter got what he deserved.

People makes mistakes. Like Mel Gibson says, those things happened four years ago, it's over and done with, time to move on.


Seriously, anybody who makes a film such as Braveheart can get away with some drunken rants in my book. I will always be a fan of Mel Gibson and so should you.


  1. Maybe it was the cocaine talking. His nose seems awfully irritated. To go along with his fidgety and restless nuances, he's displaying all the classic signs of a coke addict. Not that that's a bad thing, just sayin'...

  2. He really does look like he's on coke.

    Nasally voice, stuffed nose, hyper eye movements, moving the head too much when he talks. I didn't even get to the part where he called the reporter an asshole.

  3. Mel, you cheater. He's cheating. Once a cheater always a cheater. cheater cheater pumkin eater.
