Monday, February 8, 2010

Brooke Hundley Pictures

I am sure that by now most of you know the story about ESPN's Steve Phillips sex scandal. If not, I'll sum it up in on sentence: Steve Phillips was fired from ESPN for banging his 22 year old production assistant, Brook Hundley. If you want to know the whole story you can read it here: The Huffington Post

What I did want to show you though is pictures of Brooke Hundley, and then I want to ask you a question after you look at Brooke's pictures.

So the only question that I have is: Why Steve? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?????



  1. baaaaarrrrffffffff!

  2. She should change her name from Brooke Hundley to Brooke Fugly!

  3. Whats the problem? So she is a little ugly. So she is a little fat. So she has acne. So she has mand hands. Oh wait...Yeah, I think I see what the problem is. WTF Steve Phillips? WTF was you thinking? Your wife in that picture above looks pretty damn hot man. How you gonna go and cheat on that fine piece of ass with this ogre? Priorites man! Priorities!

  4. Seriously? He cheated on his wife with that? Why would soembody cheat on their beautiful wife, not only with something that looks like that, but at all, you know what I'm saying. I hate cheaters.
